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Wisata Tanjung Ringgit (Tanjung Ringgit tour)

“Tanjung Ringgit” Jerowaru located in the District, East Lombok. You will be pampered with incredible natural landscape. The main destinations of photography enthusiasts provide stunning natural beauty especially at sunrise. The legend says that so many who wanted to see the sunrise at Tanjugn Ringgit, some of them are willing to stay and hold the tent so as not to miss these precious moments. Tanjung Ringgit panoramic sunrise will be fascinated as you can see Mount Rinjani and Sumbawa island as well. You'll see the sun rise slowly from the island of Sumbawa and emit light illuminates the earth. Sunrise a pity if you miss. Keindangan Tanjung Ringgit is also located on the coast surrounded by hills. You can get an interesting view here. From the top of the hill, terlihatlah ocean color is shades of several colors as well as dark blue, light blue and toska and steep cliffs that surround it. These cliffs bordering the beautiful Tanjung Ringgit.

MAU KAYA...!!! klik link ini 100% Gratis http://yogilombok.blogspot.com/2013/03/selamat-datang-di-member-seoprofiler/#=yogi

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